Working Towards A Utopian Reality

I never wanted to be an ‘Expert’ or ‘Specialist’.

Perhaps that’s why I spend most of my life doing library and information work, for to do so effectively one need to know something about everything. Though the main skill is to know just where to find that information.

Now I am retired most of my time is spent in campaigning work.

Though in order to do so I have to read a lot of specialist reports, daily newspapers, periodicals, and websites.

Now that I am retired most of my current campaigning centres around those issues where there are very few activists to share the work with, or which are so very time consuming that it would be impossible to follow these issues while in full time employment.

While I was still working much of my activist time was spent using my information organising skills. That starts with organising filing systems, scanning for information, and so forth. I’m still doing the same.

Lifestyle and Campaigning.

There was a popular saying much used in the 1960s & early 1970s: –

Think Global Act Local.

Though to that I would add that it is impossible to do effective campaigning without looking at how one structures ones own life.

Thus the importance of recycling, having a vegan diet, walking or taking public transport, cutting down on ones energy usage, and using sustainable materials rather than plastics.

Though none of this is easy to achieve unless more people are doing the same, while constantly reading the ingredients or contents of everything one buys.

The greater problem is getting more recycling facilities where we are all live.

Urban allotments, solar panels and vertical wind turbines to power our homes and street lighting, inner city orchards, more foot paths and tram routes, are what we should also be campaigning for.

While one of our greatest needs is to shrink the suburbs, so that all the space used on roads would become forests. Many people think that this might result in overcrowding in our inner cities, but the concreted over suburban sprawl does result in more flooding. While if the concrete covered roads and squares were covered in plants and trees, then it would give us more flexible housing space. In the same way we need to cut the various out of town shopping centres, and large out of town factories. Then we can have more specialist shops and work shops, and repair centres where we all live.

There is also another aspect of shrinking the suburban mess which needs to be considered. It would help combat the social isolation which is such a depressing feature of many peoples lives. This is especially so in areas where there are very few social contact points such shops or libraries, and where public transport is so abysmal.

None of this is a utopian vision.

All of these aims can be achieved via joined-up-campaigning.

It can be done !

Voting Like Petitioning.

I sign several petitions each week.

Of late I have come to realise that voting is very much like signing petitions.

Both are indicative, and both rely upon large numbers of people to take part in this most basic form of protest.

A traditional Anarchist Viewpoint.

I’ve always taken the traditional Anarchist line, None of the Above, as the only choice is between a party of crooks and a party of bandits.

In any case, I take it as Highly Irresponsible to Negate our Individual Responsibilities, by handing decision making over to a bunch of self serving politicians.

To quote the quote: – Guy Fawkes: The only man to enter Parliament with honest intentions.

On the other hand I’ve spent most of my life as a campaigner, or what these days is refereed to as engaging in activism.

Yet things change.

For the first time in my life I have registered to vote.

This is in order to do so in the forthcoming EU election.

It is because I feel so incensed by the whole Brexit disaster, that I want to do everything possible to stop it from happening.

Though it’s the push to stopping Brexit by a referendum which really needs doing.

I’ll still be out leafleting and taking part on other forms of protest, but will engage in one other form of protest against Brexit – voting.

Long Term Rules For Activists – Part 7

This is an insight as to how I think about political action.

The more people working on an issue – the less I’m inclined to work on it.

While the less people working on an issue – the more i’m inclined to work on it.

With so few activists doing much about a whole range of issues, this is the most realistic way I know of achieving results.

This runs in the opposite direction to the idea expressed by many individuals, that we need large demonstrations that will attract a very large numbers of people.

It’s the ‘one last push’ idea that keeps being pushed by many campainging organisation, but it just does not work.

Many of these large demonstrations are just very symbobic in nature, and have become so common that they are easily ignored by the powers that be..

While with small scale pickets & lealeting sessions it’s possible communicate our concens to individuals.

Following On From All Fools Day

So here we are: –

Another day of the Mrs May and Her dysfunctional Tory MPs show coming up to distract all our attentions.

Yet there are many activists trying to get other issues noted, such as that of climate change.

The joke being that if any historian looks back to the newspapers of this period, then most of what they find to read about will be about Brexit, Brexit, Brexit, and the decline of the airline industry & UK retail outlets.

Meanwhile there are many other issues which we really should be focusing our minds upon.

Such as: –

The long term problem of what to do with nukiller waste, the abolition of NATO, how to build a sustainable transport system which includes both local electric delivery vehicles and trams, and how we can convert the countryside to one where farmers can make a living by growing crops as opposed to killing animals.

This is not just a period during which the bad news is being buried, but one during which there are thousands of bureaucratic JCBs scooping it all up in order to bury these problems in land-file.

Future generations are not going to be impressed when then they eventually get to read all of these files.

The Road From Wigan Pier

A Dystopian Novel ?

Let us start with a well known slogan: –

Crisis?  What Crisis?

That’s the cry from all the dysfunctional politicians who ruin all they touch in the most shambolic manner, and who have either no idea about or concern about a major set of crisis which face us all.

As a member of the METs Diplomatic Protection Squad once told me:- ‘Politicians are only able to see as far ahead as the next election’.

Only being concerned that way means none of them can think about or do any long term planning.

That would be OK,  if we just didn’t have to face up to so many immediate problems which will impact upon us many centuries in to the future.

Well we all know the issues: – Climate Change, Economic Decline, Toxic Waste Dumps to clear up, High Level Nukiller Waste, etc, etc.

While both falling standards of education, a growing number of people living in poverty, and too much party party time, deflects the ability of the many to focus of much more than the very immediate future.

The growing number of rough sleepers on our streets many not be noted by much of the mass media, while just what is shown on television produces pages and pages and pages of print each day.

Meanwhile all the politicians want to deal with is Brexit Brexit Brexit.

Yes the word is depressing, but there is nothing new about it all.

If I sound totally pessimistic about this, then I’m not, as there are the solutions which we can and must put in to place.

What we need is more people to take control of how we live our lives.

Just a few more activists would make a big BIG difference to what we might be able to achieve.

Thinking About Campaigning – A World View Reminder

From time to time it is well worth reminding myself and others of how I view the world.

Take the overview, but keep an eye on the details.

In practice this means I will put my political energy in to those projects which very few people have the time or energy to engage upon.


In to those projects which take a lot of time to learn about.

I also believe that we can not indulge in thinking in terms of campaigning seasons, as the kind of crisis which we face need hours by days by weeks by months by years by decades of solid campaigning and social action.

The real problem is just how do we maintain such long term activities, while receiving very little or no support ?

This is very much a practical question which needs to be asked by anyone who is engaged in long term campaigning.

Yet Another Year.

It has just been announced that the hearings upon the first module of the Spycops Public Inquiry are being delayed from this to next year.

The thing which really saddens me is that by the time the inquiry nears its end it will be circa 2024, with the inquiry report coming out some time during 2026.

That’s taking in to account just this one year delay.

Yet there is still many 1,000s of pages of spycop reports unread by Mitting and the inquiry team, which the MET want redacted before we get to read them.

So more delays upon more delays will follow as they argue out how to do this on a document by document basis.

For my and older generations it will mean many activists will never learn just what happened to us.

So far the public inquiry has cost circa thirteen and a half million pounds, and rising.

Yet despite all this money being spent: – still know very little about the SDS and all of the other spycops.

Think Again – A Draft Text For Anti-Militarist Activists.

Thinking about Joining the Army?

Think Again.

You might think that joining the army will mean you learn a skill which might may make you more employable.

Think Again.

You may only learn to kill innocent individuals in an unjust war.

Think Again.

You may think the army will give you a secure future.

Think Again.

Just look at the number of ex soldiers who are rough sleepers on the streets of this city.

Think Again.

You may think that it may be easy to leave the army with very few problems in doing so.

Think Again.

Even if you complete the full term of an army contract, then you will still be eligible to be called up as a part of the Army Reserve.

Think Again.

You may be told that by joining the Army Reserve you can change you mind at any time.

Think Again.

Anyone who is called up as an Army Reservist in time war and refuses to do so will be court marshalled as a deserter.

The maximum sentence for this is Life In Prison.

So Think Again.

Is the Army really something you really want to join?

Now just add your campaigning address, print out, and distribute outside of your local Army Recruiting Office.

The Mess We Are All In Now

For those of you who have not been able to follow the news about Brexit over the last couple of weeks: – here is a summary of it all.

A large group of delusional and dysfunctional individuals, who are otherwise known as members of the house of commons, are having an argument about just what kind of dysfunctional society we should all live in. Although there bottom line comes down to how they might hold on to power, or keep boosting up their egos.

Meanwhile they ignore the declining economy which is resulting in there being more rough sleepers on the streets, poor housing, growing debts, a declining NHS, growing pollution, and the 2000 and 5 other more urgent problems which most of the population are worried about.

That’s aside from the fact that they seem unable to focus upon the need for proper recycling facilities, or creating a sounder ecological society.

Meanwhile there is zilch being done to stop the UKs greatest exports – High levels of plastic waste & radioactive waste getting in to the sea.

I don’t think I’ve missed anything here, except for a few details, such as how these self serving members of the house of commons are more worried about a general election taking place, or how they might replace the unelected prime minister Mrs May, than in anything else.

At one level it is farcical, but none of these social and ecological problems can be solved until we take control back from all these dysfunctional and delusional politicians.

As to what might happen next – Either the disastrous farce continues, or some real world thinking starts to take place.

We can only hope – – – .