Changing The Way


The last 6 months have been a time of many social and economic changes. These have presented us all with many new challenges and opportunities to make changes for the better.

Yet we are still have politicians and the like who do not see that. Thus they think about our ‘getting back to normal’, with no real concept of what has occurred or is happening right now. It’s not just a case of them not knowing, but one of them having no visionary ideas about what needs to be done.

The bottom line being that most of these so called ‘decision makers’ are unable to make any realistic decisions, as they lack both imaginative, creative, or pragmatic ways of thinking.

Thus they look backwards to the past, while coming up with ‘solutions’ for the future. That’s even when many of those ideas have proven to be disastrously dangerous and totally unworkable.

Building Nukiller reactors, the Brexit disaster, and creating more space to be used by extreme energy personal vehicles being good examples of it all.


We are in the middle of an unprecedented crisis which is going to be difficult to solve.

Thus what we need now is some imaginatively pragmatic thinking.

We need to do the same.

What we also need to do is apply such creative and pragmatic thinking to the way we work towards creating positive social change.

Changing the way we protest.

One of the constant cries of the left and those we organise protests is ‘ Just one more push’ as they work towards having larger and larger marches or demonstrations.

What experience has taught us is that just does not work.

The Met and other police forces have become very good at isolation demonstrations, while the transport authorities re-routing buses away from them.

Then the press just ignore BiG Demonstrations as EVERYDAY events.

They just don’t impact upon public awareness in the way they used to do.

Protests that work with our strengths.

What many people perceive as being our greatest weakness is in fact our greatest strength.

These are our ability to organise very small pickets, protests, and leafleting sessions with a minimum of time or effort.

Many long term activists have been doing do for years now.

A stock of leaflets, a few flags, a couple of masks, two or three people, is all we need.

Best still with such small numbers we have the ability to chat with those works who are going in or out of the building we are picketing.

Using Our Strengths during the next few months.

What we can do and do well are: –

– Hold pickets which comprise of 4 or 5 people with 2 metre banners held between us.

That gives a lot of social distancing.

– Use the Smiling Sun and the other flags we have got.

That makes for a good visual impact even with so few a number.


– Then if you can get hold of them,

wear face masks which make political or campaigning points.

There are a lot of EU flag ones to be purchased, and which we can use in our campaigning to stop the Brexit Disaster.

We may just be small in number who can get together for to protest,

but that does not stop us from making a BIG IMPACT.