Conservative Socialists

Conservative Socialists.

For many people being critical of socialist parties, and in particular of the trade unions, means one is accused on being a conservative, or worse still a Daily Mail reader.

This is not the case.

The Socialist parties Auto response.

Criticise any of the socialist parties or the trade unions and one will land up engaged in a series of pointless arguments.

That is despite the fact that one may be putting forward an Ecological, Pacifist, and Anarchist set of ideas.


There is an auto response to anyone who is critical of the Cuban Dictatorship,and that is to accuse one of being a Daily Mail reader which has happened to me.That is despite the way in which the first act of the Cuban communists upon grabbing power was to jail every anarchist in the country. While there is conscription in the country, and no right to any legal form of conscientious objection.

What I dream about is the creation of a Campaign Against the Cuban Dictatorship.

How the Trade Unions are one of the greatest problems we have to deal with.


Unite the trade union union which should always be refereed to as the National Union of Plutonium Workers and Weapon Manufacturers.

That sums up the main problem we have with them.


This in another trade union with members working in the Nukiller power industry.

For example: – at the URENCO plant at Capenhurst.


When I did belong to a trade union it was NALGO, that then turned in to Unison.

Yet in all that time there was no real attempt to tackle to low pay of library and information workers which is much lower than that of many otherworkers.In point of fact it blocked many of the grass-root campaigns to rectify this problem.

The railway Unions

The continuing series of strikes which the railway unions are engaged upon has had serious social and environmental consequences.

Not only has it prevented many of us getting to social and political events.

Many events have had to be cancelled or were much smaller as a result of it all.

Another effect has been that it has had a damaging effect upon our transportclean up campaigning, as some individuals continue to use extreme energy petrol and diesel personal vehicles.

The wrong kind of payment.

What is also perturbing is the way that many people continue to use cash for making payments.

That is despite the fact that bank notes contain animal fat.

The use of these notes also means the continued use of securithug vans swanning around our city streets, pavement parking, and causing yet more pollution.

The very same people who use cash also refuse to use self checkouts in the shops, and thus the need for any people to continue doing totally needless work.

Dealing with them all.

Dealing with conservative socialists is one of the most frustration tasks we all have to deal with.

Not doing so will prevent us from achieving any real social change.