Getting Older And Collective Memory

There is something which increasingly comes to my mind.

The background being that one looses a lot of old friends as they become deceased, while others become so infirmed that one might only be able to chat with them on the phone from time to time.

Then there are all the people we loose of have lots contact with over the years. Some of them might just of moved on, but they might also be dead. It is sometimes very difficult to find out just which it is.

Yet there is something else which happens and most younger people don’t think about this, and that is how one might loose collective memory.

Some aspects of the spycops inquiry have really shown to me just why we need to keep good archives and keep in touch with old friends and comrades.

It all ties up with a sense of isolation.

Please keep this in mind over the coming years.

Though it is not helping if you like me have lived and worked in a lot of different places over a lifetime.