Highlights From ISC
As some of you will know I am involved Information for Social Change [ ISC ] which is ‘ An activist organisation that examines issues of censorship, freedom and ethics amongst library and information workers…’
Over the years I have writted a lot which has been published in ISC.
The following are pieces which I think are still very relevent to what is happening right now/
In ISC 15
After the Organisation: A guide for Activists &Information workers.
There are many manuals that are aimed at political organisers, which cover how to successfully organisea campaign, yet none of these ever go into how one might efficiently close down a campaigning body.
In ISC 16.
Going Through the Raid.
Why this article?
As I think many of you might already know , I have an interest in both the radical media and clandestine publishing. Librarians and radicals have an interest in alternative publishing and free speech. Yet there are very few radical Librarians that have had any direct experience of this kind of work. I think that I am also one of the few individuals within the radical Library world that has any direct experience of beingi nvolved with periodicals that have been raided.