I tripped over two weeks and now have a fractured shoulder. Thus it is very difficult and extremely painful for me to use my right arm. So everything I type is one handed, which slows me down a lot. It looks like it may be another 8 weeks of the same for me.
It’s amazing just what you learn in these situations, and just how much time one can spend working out different ways to do the most ordinary tasks.
Yet my body will mend and all will be well again in the new year.
But Not so with the nukiller industry where it is always going to be a case of Woops!.
Here a few recent examples just what I mean.
but then comes the follow on –
Hexafluoride Leak Worse Than Initially Reported, Regulator Says
or to put it another way —
It’s a wake up call for Capenhurst.
Yet that’s not been the most frightening story of late.
Leaked Sellafield photos reveal ‘massive radioactive release’ threat.
Here is what the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority have to say about it all.
But don’t worry about that as we are very well protected.
The civil nukiller cops have opened a £2.5m firing range near Dounreay.
Meanwhile – as predicted.
Fukushima radiation identified off northern California.
While over at the Fukushima plant it’s a case of —
TEPCO states the entire decommissioning will be still ending in 30 ~ 40 years, but this is also baseless. The actual decommissioning may take over a century.
So it goes on, and on, and on, and on again and again and again..
I’m getting medical treatment for to fix my shoulder, but it will take a very different kind of fix to fix all the problems listed above.
In the meanwhile I’m learning just what I can and can not do with my fractured shoulder.
If only the nukiller power industry were to start to learn from their continuous mistakes.