Working on.

From time to time I stop and think that there has been so much to do of late, that most of my time has been spent in reading about, or working upon various issues. That includes a lot of networking, commenting various issues, and passing on information to others.

Thus there has been little time to pen anything new.

That’s always the problem with multi issue campaigning.

Well that’s the way it goes.

So to save some time I’ll just list a few of the issue I’ve been looking at, or working upon over the last few months.

The AP 1000 reactor.


The danger of Pavement parking.


The Pitchford Inquiry.

Prisoners for Peace.

Though that’s just a starter list.

At present I am in the middle of some work which relates to DRS & the transport of nuklller waste on the railways.

The good thing is that I should be able to pen a little more over the next month or so.