Deep Cover & Police Lies – Bob.

Saturday was a very strange day for me,
as exposing an undercover cop to a conference of 300 people is
not exactly something which one does every day of the week.

Yesterday the following news story was flashed upon the front
page of the Guardian newspaper: –

Progressive academic Bob Lambert is former police spy.

Since then the story has been picked up by the rest of the media.

For example:
in the Daily Telegraph & Daily Mail,
which are two rags which I would not normally read.

In many ways what might now happen to Bob could be
considered a personal tragedy.

It should never be forgotten that he told lies,
spied upon my friends & comrades,
and directed other undercover police to do the same.

I was betrayed by Bob.

We were all betrayed by Bob.

Yet what Bob did was sanctioned at the very highest level of the

I could write a lot more about Bob & the whole issue of the police
undercover work,
but there are a lot of journalists who are now about to do the same.

Thus I’ll not return to this subject until there really something new
to reveal.

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